Saturday, September 10, 2005


Kali Mountford MP
House of Commons
London SW1A 0AA
10 September 2005

Dear Kali Mountford,
New Labour’s non-reciprocal extradition agreement with US
Thank you for your letter of 08 September 2005.
I note that the non-reciprocal agreement with the US to extradite UK citizens to the US on the say-so of a US court is dealt with by the Minister of Trade and Foreign Affairs.
I’m afraid that whatever his reply, it may be inappropriate to our new circumstances. Then, we regarded all things American, their foreign policy, their homeland policy, their prison system, their educational system, with stars in our New Labour eyes.
Now we see little but corpses, corpses in the streets of New Orleans, corpses in Iraq, maybe soon corpses at Guantanamo Bay.
Iraq - Haliburton. New Orleans - Haliburton.
However, I look forward to Ian Pearson’s reply. Maybe it will after all dispel my doubts.
Yours sincerely,

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